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Junior Full Stack Developer

Krisztian Keseru , Preston, United Kingdom


Just graduated

Other titles

Waitrose Warehouse Assistant


Django Front-end Git Html Javascript + 10 more

I'm offering

I found my real passion in coding (again in 2019), In the past, in the early 2000s, I found HTML and CSS and fell in love with them. Unfortunately, my life was drifted in a different direction. After a few years in 2019, I decided will return to coding and take it to the professional level started my Full Stack Developer course at Code Institute next to my full-time job. 2020 was a really tough year as a key worker and a student but with endurance and toughness, I successfully finished my study and received my Diploma in Software Development. Later I picked up PHP language from Udemy and really like it.

I'm ready to face my next challenge to find a Junior Developer role!

HTML, CSS, SASS, JS, PYTHON(Flask, Django), PHP[LAVAREL(in progress)], MYSQL, MONGO_DB,

My 4 milestone projects were the following:
1st: User-Centric Frontend Development
Languages: Pure HTML and CSS (no framework used)

2nd: JavaScript Memory Game
Languages: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

3rd: Data-Centric Development
Languages: HTML, CSS, Python (flask), MongoDB

4th: Full-Stack Frameworks with Django
Languages: HTML, CSS, Python (Django), Stripe, Postgres.

Personal Projects:
Home app - Just make our everyday life easier
PHP MVC Framework, JS


United Kingdom

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Ready for

  Smaller project


Typically available within 14 days

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